We build communities by providing food, shelter, and opportunity to our people!
Fundraising / Raffle Options
Support others, support yourself!
Option One:
$1 dollar per ticket wins $100 a week.
Call 304-638-6563 to pay by credit card, $5.35 minimum, but it gets you 5 tickets.
Option Two:
Straight 50/50- get half the pot from tickets sold.
Must buy 5 tickets by phone due to credit card fees, $5.35, in person $5.00. Call 304-638-6563.
Option Three:
60- $5.35 tickets, Raises $300, VFOR sends $100 to kids and veterans. $199 purchases the winner a four day three night getaway, and gets them $190 cash to spend! Call 304-638-6563 to pay by credit card.
Option Four:
Sell Books for $25.
$5,000 in mostly food coupons to lots of places around the country. Charleston and Huntington, WV have good things. Select books here >>
“Who you are tomorrow begins with what you do today.”
Tim Fargo
Current Projects

We are currently in the planning stages of an affordable housing project in Huntington, West Virginia.
The project involves the purchase and development of land on which we will build hundreds of units of affordable housing for low income, homeless persons and Veterans, using the Tiny House concept of permanent housing.
Of the 622 persons on the street in West Virginia (January 2013), 122 (20%) were in households with children, 182 (29%) people were chronically homeless, and 37 (.5%) people were veterans.
The project will combat this situation as well as provide affordable alternatives to home ownership.