Our Programs
Affordable Housing Services

Families who pay more than 30 percent of their income for housing are considered cost burdened and may have difficulty affording necessities such as food, clothing, transportation and medical care.
An estimated 12 million renter and homeowner households now pay more than 50 percent of their annual incomes for housing. A family with one full-time worker earning the minimum wage cannot afford the local fair-market rent for a two-bedroom apartment anywhere in the United States.
We combat this problem with our Affordable Housing initiative, aimed at low income persons and Veterans.
Affordable housing opportunities for all segments of the community are recognized as an important part of
developing and maintaining a healthy economy and workforce. We recognize the area’s need for affordable housing and have identified it as a priority for the future development of our community.
We have therefore established the following goals for our Affordable Housing Services Program (AHSP), which will initially concentrate on the area of Huntington, WV:
Increase the stock of affordable housing
Reduce substandard housing
Create and support new homeowners
Through the AHSP, we offer several services to promote these goals. Theses services are offered year-round, such as Credit Counseling, First Time Homeowner assistance, Financial Literacy and Insurance Planning (Through a partnership with Synergy Insurance Group, insurance needs can be quoted by our licensed agents, and that part of the commission that usually falls to the agent will go to our nonprofit!).
In addition to the year round services, we expect to offer and administer in the near future an annual loan program which will offer low-interest loans to assist in the provision of affordable housing. Applications for this program will be accepted once a year, and may be considered in conjunction with emergency repair and tenant-based rental assistance funding.
The Board has prioritized affordable housing and has made it a strategic priority. While each of the activities we offer are important to provide - they are dependent on receiving sufficient donations and public funding to continue offering them. In the future, we anticipate that additional funding will also be needed to target emergency repair activities, so as to facilitate more families throughout our area being able to remain in their homes safely.
Foster Care Support
On any given day, more than 6,700 youth are in West Virginia foster care. They range from infants to 18 years old, and even up to 21 years old in the states that have extended foster care. The average age of a child in foster care is 9 years old, and there are slightly more boys than girls. The median amount of time that a child is in foster care is just over a year. More than half of these children will be safely reunified with their parents or primary caregivers, and nearly one-quarter will be adopted, many by their foster parents. In the U.S. over 20,000 youth leave the foster care system each year because they have not yet been safely reunited with their families or adopted, and are too old to remain in state custody.
Our goal is to change this situation by helping to

provide the permanent home our foster kids so desperately need.
Victory for Our Region is a close-knit, culture driven, social organization that takes pride in building families. Building families can mean several different things. Whether it is helping to find a child’s forever-family through adoption or supporting their temporary family to provide a safe and loving environment to a child until they are able to return home, we are here to help! We work diligently to make sure a foster child has the best possible connection and outcome. We pride ourselves on being a constant source of support and voice to foster children.
Community Building

Community building means many different things to many different people. However, we define it as a wide range of services and activities directed toward the creation or enhancement of community among individuals within a regional area or who have a common interest.
And, under this definition, we have been building communities for more than 20 years through the leaders that run our organization.
We go where the need is greatest and respond in many different ways, including funding and volunteer support, but our goal is always the same - to help build up our community by working together!
Our work has taken us far and wide, but has included support for, and engagement with, following organizations and/or projects:
Lincoln County Schools
Cabell County School Videos and Streaming
Lincoln Lazers
3rd Grade Dictionary Distribution
Cabell County Fair Animal Purchase
Cabell County Fair Born and Raised
Tri-State Area Boy Scouts
Huntington City Mission
Mountain State Christian School
Milton Youth Sports
College Scholarships- 3 High Schools
College Scholarships- 3 High Schools
Ronald McDonald House
Christmas for Kids in Community
Veteran’s Home of Barboursville
Hospitality House
Congressional Youth Leadership Council
Milton City Parks
Milton Fire Department
April Dawn Park
Hannon High School
Golden Girls Group Home
Camp Lincoln
If you have a community building activity or project in which you'd like to have us involved, we would love to hear from you. Please reach out to us today by using our Contact Form.
Together, we can claim Victory for Our Region!